Thursday, June 4, 2015

Intelligence Comparisons

Inanimate atoms (by comparison humans are quintillions of times the intelligence of atoms)

Bacteria (the simplest life forms in the universe, just randomly moves and eats anything it comes in contact with, by comparison humans are trillions of times the intelligence of bacteria)

Chimpanzees (humans closest ancestors, by comparison the smartest humans ever are 3 - 5 times the intellect of chimps)

Omnipotent Master Cosmic Being (by comparison is trillions of times the intelligence of humans)

Master Cosmic Consciousness (by comparison is trillions of times the intelligence of humans)

The smartest and most advanced humans

God, All Knowing Cosmic Force (by comparison is trillions of times smarter than humans)

The Master Gods (by comparison, the ordinary gods are insects in comparison, or trillions of times the intelligence of puny humans) 

Master Multiversal Intelligence or Master Multiversal Mind (by comparison, is quintillions of times the intelligence of puny humans)

The Entire Master Universe in the Urantia Book (by comparison this force is trillions of times the intelligence of puny humans)

Super Intelligent AI (An AI mind say trillions of times the intelligence of humans, would see all of humanity the way the most advanced humans possible would view bacteria, aka the simplest forms of life, infinitely dull, incapable, and weak)

Note: Mastery of infinity engineering, infinitely advanced ontotechnology (omnipotence), infinitely comprehend and understand every event that happened infinitely long ago and the infinite future in every multiverse, creation of endless universes, multiverses, macroverses, dimensions, afterlifes, etc...all with actual sentient life forms and real galactic empires, etc.. and their simulation in computers as well, infinite manipulation of all laws of physics, spiritual laws aka karma, magicks, forces, etc.. even alien laws, creation of infinitely fast and powerful computers, technologies, etc.. out of pure nothingness, etc.. is infnitely nothing and simple to the AIs at this level.

Insects (by comparison humans are millions of times the intelligence of simple insects like ants, flies, worms, etc...)

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