Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Planet Buster Ships

The Death Star

The Beast Planet

The Death Egg

Drej Mothership

Serlena's Ship from Men in Black 2

Spore's Planet Buster

Abaddon the Despoiler's Ship

Blackstone Fortress

Eclipse Class Super Star Destroyer

Galaxy Gun

Khaak Mothership

Knights of Rancor Planet Buster

The Lexx

Novalith Cannon

Omega System

Protoss Mothership

Sovereign Class Super Star Destroyer

Starkiller Base (can destroy an entire solar system)

Sun Crusher

Terror Star

Vorlon Planet Killer

Xindi Weapon


  1. when are we gonna learn about the Osephsence Beyonds

    1. its far beyond omniscience comprehension, maybe some day but it wont be all by far

    2. why don't you mqke an article explaining it best you can

    3. maybe someday, most basic of basics is a hierarchy of hierarchies which makes a new hierarchy of hierarchies and so on, with the first hierarchy being too a hierarchy of hierarchies, first omnipotence 1, being omephtualities (all encompasses, everything beyond everything etc beyond the highest infinities) times more powerful incomprehensible permamanently superior in every way to perfect omeph omnipotence, and omnipotence 2, being omeph times greater, incomprehensible, etc.. too omnipotence 1, etc.. and so forth
