Sunday, May 3, 2015

Tall People

Sim Bhullar - 7'5 ft. tall

7'3 and 7'5

30 ft. tall robot

11.5 ft. tall

12 ft. tall

Edouard Beaupre - 8'3

Bernard Coyne - 8'2

Brahim Takioullah - 8'1

Don Koehler - 8'2

Edouard Beaupre - 8'3

Gabriel Estevao Monjane - 8'1

Jean Joseph Brice - 8'1.5

John F. Carroll - 8'7.5

John Rogan - 8'9.5

Julius Koch  - 8'1

Leonid Stadnyk - 8'5

Luang Pho sung - 7'6.6

Morteza Mehrzad - 8'1

Suleiman Ali Nashansh - 8'1.5

Sultan Kosen - 8'3

Suparwono - 7'11

Vaino Myllyrinne - 8'3

Vikas Uppal - 8'3

Zhang Juncai - 7'11

6'8 waiters

6'10 guy next to 7'2 man

6'10 guy

6'10 woman

7'2 guy

Yao Ming - 7'6

Yao Ming 7'6 next to a 7'1 Shaquille O'Neal

A 6'4 Dwayne Johnson next to a 7'9 Sun Ming Ming

7'8 Brenden Adams (tallest teen in the world)

Kareem Abdul Jabbar - 7'2

Sun Zhe 7'2

Sun Ming Ming 7'9

Robert Wadlow 8'11.5 (tallest verified human in history)

Kris Humphrie - 6'9

Kristaps - 7'1




  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. According to>vikasuppal (Guinness' official site) and Wikipedia, Vikas "Vicky" Uppal was unofficially 8'2" tall, not 3". Three inches was what The Tribune reported, but the Indian newspaper wasn't true. He's the only cool, sexy-faced, and pretty good-looking "giant" though he's dark-skinned; although he suffered from acromegalic gigantism. Sadly, 10 years ago a failed brain tumour operation killed him at a very young age. :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( I wish surgical complications hadn't happened. :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( I wish Indian government (especially from Haryana) had helped with cost of the surgery and also treatment costs for this kind-hearted guy who came from a poor family. :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

  3. finally people who make me feel short and i'm 6'8.5 at 15 years old and i thought i was tall (so 6'10 with shoes) still.. xD
